Bitch on Wheels
Reading Material stefani :) Reading Material stefani :)

Bitch on Wheels

A 2001 speech by the revolutionary trans icon, Stonewall veteran, and co-founder of Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries, better known as S.T.A.R.; a radical political collective that provided housing and support to houseless queer youth and sex workers in Manhattan.

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Women in Prison: How It Is With Us
Reading Material stefani :) Reading Material stefani :)

Women in Prison: How It Is With Us

This is an article written by Assata Shakur for The Black Scholar and it’s a detailed account of what it means to be a prisoner as a Black woman. It’s impactful and written very straightforwardly with a goal of painting a picture of how Black lives, particular those of poor Black women, are policed and set up for failure within America’s carceral capitalist system.

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